Ring in love this holiday season (or anytime)

Below are six ways for you to cultivate love. You don’t have to hoard them for holiday use. They’re great for everyday wear and share. Some focus more on giving love, some more on receiving love. Regardless, they are simple techniques that you can use to create an...

Get grateful

In one of the workshops I lead, we have an exercise where each person lists the blessings in their life. When they finish writing, I ask them to sit quietly, reflecting on their fortune. It is a powerful experience that they really enjoy. Below I offer several...

Bye bye busyness

Busyness is a common ailment today. In modern life, many people experience it as a nearly chronic condition. It is my observation that this busyness in turn contributes to a number of other dis-eases, such as stress, lack of self-awareness, disconnection from what is...

Increase your resiliency

“Fall down seven times, get up eight.” ~ Japanese Proverb Yesterday I had just left my house, heading for the gym, when I fell off my bike, landing hard, mostly on my chin and left knee. I got up slowly, gently touching my bleeding chin and surveying the rest of...

Holding on or letting go (part 2)

This is part two of my post Holding on or letting go. “Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old...

Holding on or letting go (part 1)

My friend Amit who blogs at Unlimited Choice, wrote a post about his “holding onto” a negative situation from his work even though it had been resolved. I’m confident that like Amit, all of us sometimes rehash or stay stuck with unpleasant memories even though...