I work with conscious moms worldwide to create thriving lives.

Client success storiesClient testimonials

Who I Serve

There are a lot of moms out there (and dads too) like you — who want to parent in a different way than they themselves were parented. They want to do it differently than they see in the culture around them.  If you’re reading this page, I think you want to parent in a new way – one that helps your children retain their authentic wholeness and that brings you back to your own wholeness in the process.



With my support, my mom clients . . .

Address common parenting challenges in unconventional ways. We work with boundaries, discipline, teamwork, and everyday routines. I coach them in their efforts to foster cooperation, nurture interdependence, and help their children settle into the larger world without losing their essence. My clients want to:

  • Raise respectful, cooperative children who remain authentic, healthy, and whole
  • Have more confidence and joy
  • Release mom-guilt and feelings of shame
  • Let go of old habits of perfectionism and people-pleasing
  • Take excellent care of their own well-being and follow their own dreams
  • Build life-long relationships with their children based on mutual love, respect, and care
  • Create effective co-parenting experiences and have their own thriving intimate partnership
  • Enjoy family life through all the ages and stages


Shonnie is fully committed to your growth as a parent so if you’re fully committed to investing the time and energy, you will see amazing results! Shonnie is so skilled at meeting you where you are at and asking the right questions to support you in unlocking your own wisdom, seeing your role, and feeling empowered to make positive changes.
~ Laura

Shonnie’s wonderfully approachable nature lends itself to excellent coaching and support. She helped me let go of judgment and fear of failure that I didn’t fully realize I had. Her ideas, tools, and perspectives on children and parenting have helped me immensely.
~ Jaime

A few of the specific struggles I’ve helped moms solve include . . .

  • Parenting from someone else’s agenda: This mom was parenting the way her husband thought she should rather than being true to herself, her intuition, and her abilities as a mom. I coached her to find the root of the problem (originally she wanted to learn how to set better boundaries) and then ground herself in her authentic power to work with her daughter in her own way. End result: Mom is parenting her way with confidence and clarity.
  • Parenting in a way that didn’t reflect her true values: This single mom wanted to partner with her son but instead frequently found herself resorting to threats, bribes, and removing privileges, all of which went against her true intentions. I coached her to create a different parent-child model that fostered teamwork and allowed her to more easily co-create a respectful environment for both she and her son. End result: Mom feels more creative in her relationship and has less guilt because she’s parenting in alignment with her values.
  • Feeling completely at a loss with how to handle behavior from her daughter that she didn’t like: This mom’s second child was so much different than her first and her old ways of parenting seemed totally ineffective at changing her second child’s undesirable behavior. I coached her to discover and effectively address other issues that were likely fueling both her sense of helplessness and her daughter’s behavior. End result: Mom has regained her confidence in herself while also finding ways to work with her daughter that fit their unique relationship.
  • Not knowing how to fully connect with a child, especially at challenging moments: This mom frequently found herself in opposition to her preteen son. Conversations, when they happened often became primarily about nagging, resistance, and a feeling of real disconnection (frustrating and disheartening on both sides). I coached this mom to more accurately read her son’s emotional and mental state, keep her own emotional calm, and communicate with him in a way he could more easily hear. End result: Mom feels emotionally solid and better able to communicate and connect.

Would you like to create similar results in your life?

Book an FREE 15-minute Illumination session with me to discuss a family challenge that you’re ready to transform. Let’s get a step closer to creating the thriving family life you’ve been dreaming of!

Moms I work with . . .

Have diversity – some are single, some are married, some have young children, some have older children – and they share many things in common. These women are committed to:

  • Healing their own spirit and learning to live in a more authentic, powerful, joyful, and sustainable way as mothers and women
  • Parenting their children with full reverence for their sovereignty, in a way that fosters their spiritual, emotional, and mental wholeness
  • Building or sustaining mutually-fulfilling and loving co-parent relationships
  • Creating a home and family life that is a haven for love, tenderness, respect, joy, playfulness, trust, safety, and connection

The background and perspective of most of my clients

  • Includes resonance with the teachings found in books such as Everyday Blessings; The Conscious Parent; Radical Parenting; The Natural Child; The Continuum Concept; Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline.
  • Involves personal practice in holistic, life-giving practices such as NVC (nonviolent communication), conscious communication, meditation, yoga, tapping/EFT, NLP.

What changes are you ready to make in your family life?

Book A Free Illumination Coaching Session!Contact Me