Parent stress: Can’t we make it less stressful?

In part one of this series, I wrote that most of the stress we feel doesn’t come from real-life events. If you haven’t read that post, I encourage you to do so before continuing below. You can also watch a video that covers part one of this series and what I’m...

A different approach to “What if . . .”

My coach recently invited her clients to ask a different kind of “what if” question. Mostly, she said, our “what if”ing is from a negative mindset — What if there’s not enough time for me? What if my child doesn’t keep up in...

Prioritizing your own self-care

I started this series with Self-care for Parents, a post that defined parental self-care and suggested ideas for assessing how attentive you are to caring for your needs. In the second post, What difference does parental self-care make?, I wrote about how taking...

What difference does parental self-care make?

“There’s this perception that if you worry a lot and if you look really busy and stressed out then you’ll be more successful.” ~Nancy Mayer I’m not sure how parents make it through that first year with a newborn. Even in homes where...

Two opportunities in every parenting problem

  Problem. Issue. Challenge. Call them what you will, all parents face them. Ultimately, all parents also want to not be facing them. Problem solving Our culture, and most of our own backgrounds and experience tell us to spot the problem (usually “out...