A different approach to “What if . . .”

My coach recently invited her clients to ask a different kind of “what if” question. Mostly, she said, our “what if”ing is from a negative mindset — What if there’s not enough time for me? What if my child doesn’t keep up in...

Self-care for parents

For many of us, our children occupy our first thoughts upon waking and our last ruminations or prayers as we fall asleep. We may choose paying work that allows us access to resources that we deeply want to give them. We may choose to have our family be our work and...

Bring more ease into family life

I’m a recovering perfectionist. I once remember describing to one of my coaches the fact that I didn’t like to “sit around twiddling my thumbs.” A part of me still believes that my self-worth — my inherent value as a human being —...

Kids and passion — Are you fanning or dousing the flames?

“Your children are genius creators who have just arrived from Nonphysical, who are feeling empowered. And if they would be left to their own devices, they would not go astray. They would maintain worthiness; they would maintain their feeling of Well-Being. They...