No more tantrums

No more tantrums

A child is screaming, crying, and raging, making their emotional distress visible, audible, and sometimes even tangible for anyone within reach. We’ve all been there — either as a child, as a parent, or as an uncomfortable bystander. The common terms for...

Supporting our children’s big dreams

As parents most of us view part of our role as teacher, here to help our children learn about the world and how to function well in it. I believe that our longer life-experience is one of the tools that we can use in guiding our children. However, this urge to teach...

Two opportunities in every parenting problem

  Problem. Issue. Challenge. Call them what you will, all parents face them. Ultimately, all parents also want to not be facing them. Problem solving Our culture, and most of our own backgrounds and experience tell us to spot the problem (usually “out...

Stop trying to fix your parenting problems

Yes, it’s a radical thing for a parent coach to say since that’s often why moms and dads first seek out my support. “Our son whines all the time, we just want it to stop.” “My daughter only wants me to comfort her. She never lets her dad...

Anxiety in our children

“Fear Knocked, Faith Answered.” ~ Unknown Fear and anxiety are emotions we all feel, regardless of our age or life experience. Sometimes what we’re afraid of is real, sometimes it’s a story we’re believing in our minds that may or may not...