Holding on or letting go (part 1)

My friend Amit who blogs at Unlimited Choice, wrote a post about his “holding onto” a negative situation from his work even though it had been resolved. I’m confident that like Amit, all of us sometimes rehash or stay stuck with unpleasant memories even though...

Your attitude determines your results

Most people seem to think that their problems are someone else’s fault and that creating the life they want for themselves is dependent on other people (or other situations) being different than they are. Such thinking is simply wrong, false, faulty, and...

Do you help, fix, or serve?

“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting our time. If you have come here because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” ~ Lilla Watson, an Aboriginal Australian If you’re like me, you have a noble picture of the “helping...

Accountable to whom?

As a coach, one of the things I hear from potential and current clients is that part of what they’re looking for is accountability. They want someone to help hold their feet to the fire and keep them on track. Having someone in your life who knows what...