Empathy — the “vitamin” for emotionally healthy families

Would you like a world in which everyone only looks out for themselves or one in which people genuinely care about one another? How about in your family? Would you prefer to have a spouse that believes only his experience is correct or one who treats your perspective...

Children and “comfort zones”

“How much/how far do you push your child out of their comfort zone?” Have you ever found yourself asking this about your child? Do you wonder about the “right” response? Do you feel anxious when your want for your child differs from her want...

Are you too helpful with your children?

One of my favorite wise women is Rachel Naomi Remen. I was given her article In the Service of Life by one of my mentors and it has a profound influence on me as a parent. I strongly encourage you to read this piece for yourself as it offers numerous gems. For now,...

Anxiety in our children

“Fear Knocked, Faith Answered.” ~ Unknown Fear and anxiety are emotions we all feel, regardless of our age or life experience. Sometimes what we’re afraid of is real, sometimes it’s a story we’re believing in our minds that may or may not...

Parents have “discipline” all wrong

I just finished reading How Do You Discipline a Child in the Post-Hitting Era? and am amazed that parents can still be so confused. The problem is that we use the word “discipline” when what we actually mean is “punish.” Discipline is a trait...