Are you too helpful with your children?

One of my favorite wise women is Rachel Naomi Remen. I was given her article In the Service of Life by one of my mentors and it has a profound influence on me as a parent. I strongly encourage you to read this piece for yourself as it offers numerous gems. For now,...

Being of service

For most women, serving is a natural tendency and something that gives us pleasure and adds meaning to our lives. What many of us learned however, is sacrifice, not true service. Half a century after the June Cleaver model was popular, girls are still frequently...

Get grateful

In one of the workshops I lead, we have an exercise where each person lists the blessings in their life. When they finish writing, I ask them to sit quietly, reflecting on their fortune. It is a powerful experience that they really enjoy. Below I offer several...

Accountable to whom?

As a coach, one of the things I hear from potential and current clients is that part of what they’re looking for is accountability. They want someone to help hold their feet to the fire and keep them on track. Having someone in your life who knows what...