Do you help, fix, or serve?

“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting our time. If you have come here because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” ~ Lilla Watson, an Aboriginal Australian If you’re like me, you have a noble picture of the “helping...

Success: How are you defining it?

Many people begin new years by thinking ahead, envisioning what they want to achieve, and perhaps even resolving to make different choices in the days and weeks to come. I am one of these people. I find this experience enlivening, joyful, and helpful in grounding...

Accountable to whom?

As a coach, one of the things I hear from potential and current clients is that part of what they’re looking for is accountability. They want someone to help hold their feet to the fire and keep them on track. Having someone in your life who knows what...