Empathy at home – Easier said than done

Far beyond anything intellectual our children will ever learn, I value their self-discovery, that knowing and understanding of their own internal landscape. One aspect of self-awareness and self-expression that we’re actively working to foster in our daughter...

What difference does parental self-care make?

“There’s this perception that if you worry a lot and if you look really busy and stressed out then you’ll be more successful.” ~Nancy Mayer I’m not sure how parents make it through that first year with a newborn. Even in homes where...

Better parenting starts with better beliefs

Parents (and non-parents alike) have plenty of opinions on what makes “better” children and “better” parents. Nursing. Attachment parenting. Continuum Concept principles. Bed-sharing. Early literacy. Limited media. Time outdoors. Unschooling....

Stop trying to fix your parenting problems

Yes, it’s a radical thing for a parent coach to say since that’s often why moms and dads first seek out my support. “Our son whines all the time, we just want it to stop.” “My daughter only wants me to comfort her. She never lets her dad...

Expecting more than our children can easily give

In my post Are you too helpful with your children? I wrote about how we can inadvertently reinforce beliefs of helplessness when we’re too quick to step in and give our children a hand. For some parents, or for some of us at different times, however, we hinder...

Children and “comfort zones”

“How much/how far do you push your child out of their comfort zone?” Have you ever found yourself asking this about your child? Do you wonder about the “right” response? Do you feel anxious when your want for your child differs from her want...