Apologizing — a skill of a masterful parent

“Wait!” you cry. How can a “master parent” be someone who needs to apologize? Doesn’t being a “master” imply that mistakes aren’t made and moments of weakness are met with awesome self-control? If “mastery”...

Filtering Out

I recently engaged in an online conversation about sheltering children from life’s “harsh realities.” As a Simplicity Parenting coach, I firmly believe in the value of “filtering out” the adult world to help promote the sacredness of childhood. I think,...

Judging parents and kids

Recently I was in the gym locker room cleaning up after my Wednesday workout. A mother and her son were there also. The mom was speaking at her son in a critical way as if he himself was a problem for her. Her tone was harsh — think “barking” drill...

Being stewards for our children

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.” ~ Kahlil Gibran This week, my husband and I had our...

Children need imperfect parents

When my mom died, I was 21. At her memorial service, many of the people I spoke to told me that I reminded them of my mom in many good ways. I was deeply touched to be considered so similar to this amazing woman. As the decades have passed since this time, however,...

Seeing your authentic self as a parent

“What judgments about you get in your way of seeing yourself as you truly are?” While it may sound strange, I’m learning that denying my negative judgments about myself makes me a worse mom. Let me explain. I’m loathe to think of myself as...

Role modeling and changing our speech habits

“What is one thing you are ‘role-modeling’ for your child/ren that you want to change?” I grew up with loving, generous, and “work in progress” parents. Though they were kind-hearted, their words when upset could be judgmental and...

Wasting our own time

“What do you spend time and energy on that you actually don’t care that much about?” If you wonder what this picture has to do with this question or, are confused about what relation, if any, it has to parenting, I can explain. This photo is of my...