The Yes Brain Learning Circle

Learn and implement the practices from The Yes Brain, the newest book from Dan Siegel & Tina Bryson.

A whole lot more than a book club!

“The Yes Brain” Learning Circle is designed to make it easy for you to support your children to develop the resilience, courage, resourcefulness, and composure you want them to have for life. Plus, what you learn will make everyday interactions — even the toughest ones — easier to get through in ways that work for everyone involved.

Give toddlers to teens the tools to build resilience, curiosity, empathy, and calm

  • Expand your abilities as a conscious parent — have research-backed ways to nurture your child’s strong brain development
  • Gain effectiveness at managing the roughest moments — learn what you actually need to help your child calm big upsets AND learn from them in positive, lasting ways
  • Build skills that will empower your children for life — effectively teach your children the social, emotional, and self-management skills that will help them smoothly ride life’s many waves

Easy for you to learn and use!

  • Save yourself time — I give you all the critical info from The Yes Brain so you don’t have to read it yourself
  • Make the learning stick — Each week I guide you with specific exercises and experiments to build your real-life skills
  • Avoid overwhelm — I answer key questions from participants so you’re not left wondering what to do

What’s Included

“The Yes Brain” Learning Circle is designed to make it easy for you to learn and implement the skills and principles described in The Yes Brain. Your registration in the six-week-long program includes these features:

Weekly chapter reviews

Each week you’ll receive a detailed summary of the contents of the chapter in printable format (yours to keep and use with your family forever). You’re welcome to read the book yourself, yet this saves you precious reading time so you can focus on implementing what you learn.

Homework guides

In addition to the complete chapter reviews, you’ll receive specific homework to immediately begin incorporating the materials into family life. Without guidance, many parents just end up overwhelmed with more information (and more worries about what to do). I give you specific activities to put the chapter’s principles into action.

Question & Answer session

At the end of the program, you’ll be sent the recording of a live teleconference in which Shonnie answered questions from past participants. The call recording is yours to keep. You also can talk to Shonnie personally once you’ve completed the full course.

Join Today!

Build your knowledge and practice your skills.

Who is “The Yes Brain” Learning Circle for?

The Learning Circle helps you maximize your time as you increase your knowledge and practice implementing the learning so that it sticks.

This program is designed for you if:

  • you have children age 2-16
  • your intention is to have skills and information that enable you to parent consciously with love
  • you value learning yet don’t always have the time to do your own reading and research
  • you want to give your children skills to smoothly weather life’s challenges now and as they grow

Check out the common issues “The Yes Brain” addresses.

Situations “The Yes Brain” Helps Shift

“My son gets so upset when he’s learning something new. It’s a complete meltdown if it’s not easy or something he understands immediately. I try to remain calm but can’t seem to keep him from getting completely off track.”
“My youngest daughter has a lot of worry. Being upbeat doesn’t seem to get through, but I don’t really know what else to do to convince her that something will be ok or that she’ll do fine.”
“I hate dealing with tooth brushing. I know it’s something my kids can do — and it’s something that matters for their health. But it’s a giant pain every night and just once I’d like them to do it without needing me to do it for them.”
“I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom because I really wanted to be able to be really involved in these early years. Mostly things are fine, but I get so annoyed when my kids refuse to eat things I cook. I take time to make healthy, yummy things from scratch and I’d just like them to be open to trying things. They don’t have to like everything, but I want them to at least try it.”

Establish Healthy Habits Now

The brain and mindset foundation you build with your toddler will become default tools your teen turns to even when you’re not there as their guide.

Working with Shonnie

“Before working with Shonnie, I just tried harder. I thought if I held on tight enough, did the right things, that I could white knuckle my way into making it happen for our family. If I just did a little bit more it would all calm down. Now I’m more tuned into my kids. Shonnie’s work allowed me to reconnect with my son. Instead of getting caught in a cycle of anger and frustration with him, I was able to approach him differently. He started responding differently.”

~ Melanie T., mom of two in Georgia

“Shonnie, you are a parenting coach genius. I’m deeply thankful for you.

I wanted to share that this morning I combined some ideas from the video on why being on time is hard for children, along with suggestions you gave me and had a TOTALLY successful experience with my son this morning (that was headed in a very bad direction).”

~ Leah S. mom of two in North Carolina

“I first stumbled upon Shonnie by finding her Huffington Post article on ways we could be shaming our children. It was eye opening for me. I immediately followed the links to her website and Facebook group. She interacts with you and lets you know you’re not alone and reaches out to you with solid advice. I’m in awe of her and how devoted she is to all us mamas all over the world. Her work is helping to change and shape our world, for us and our children. I cannot recommend her enough.”

~ Ashley W., mom of one in North Carolina

Join the Learning Circle Today!

Reserve your space now by clicking the “Register Now” button.