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Wondering what you've gotten yourself into?

Here's what a few moms have said about working together:

"Shonnie Lavender, where have you been all my life?! :-)"

"You are a parenting coach genius. I'm deeply thankful for you. I wanted to share that this morning I combined some ideas from the video on why being on time is hard for children, along with suggestions you gave me and had a TOTALLY successful experience with my son this morning (that was headed in a very bad direction). Here's what happened.

My son didn't want to go to school, and so the escalation began. Shonnie's voice popped into my head. I immediately used her suggestion of role reversal, asking my son if he wanted to be Mommy and I could be him, and he could tell me what I needed to do to get ready for school. He was so excited to do this, and within about 10 minutes, he had changed his clothes, brushed his teeth, brushed his hair, used the bathroom, washed his hands and gotten all the way downstairs to put his shoes on. Not only was this done without any push back, but he was having fun and in the car on the way to school we were laughing. And we were 15 minutes early to school! He even told me when he didn't want to play anymore and was happy to go right back to our regular roles.

Even though he had woken me two hours earlier than his normal (and I am NOT a morning person), I kept hearing Shonnie say 'deep breaths, take care of your own needs, this is normal, make him feel safe.' And I was able to surprise myself and do those things, which led to a truly bonding and healing moment for my son and me.

AND, my husband was there watching the whole thing. While my son was getting ready he said, 'That was genius. How did you think to do that?' And I responded with one word...'Shonnie.'"

~ Leah Sin, mom of two in North Carolina

"Shonnie is a wonderful coach!"

"So beautifully connected to her intuition and higher guidance. Her coaching program was deeply transformative for both me and my children. I am incredibly grateful for her commitment and willingness to go with me to all the nitty gritty and often dingy depths of my inner world. She remained steadfast and grounded the whole way through and ensured I made it through to the other side, not only safely but also happily! Thank you Shonnie -- you were a bright star in a sea of clouds."

~ Dawn Osabwa, mom of three in Germany

"Exactly what I needed."

"I feel more confident as a mother now. Your tools and guidance in self-reflection, helped me figure out where I was getting off track and what I could do differently, while being true to myself and my philosophy about life. Your support was just what I needed at this point in my relationship with my son."

~ Susan Walker, mom of two in Argentina

"You're so helpful."

"I'm thankful for your wisdom and the way you help bridge the gap between knowing these things and DOING them...especially in relation to children!"

~ Nichole E., mom in USA

"I feel comfortable here."

"Thank you Shonnie for creating a safe and loving space for us to share our experience."

~ Christina S., mom of one in Denmark

"This is extremely helpful!"

"Thanks so much! Some of this I have been trying but some really good suggestions."

~ Delia B., mom in North Carolina


As a VIP Ticket Holder
you are entitled to a bonus
1-on-1 Parenting Strategy Session

which you can schedule by clicking the button below