Bring more joy, love, connection and ease into your everyday family life!


MetaMOMphosis Coaching Experience

Where family life is fun again (for both parents and children)!

Create a family life where everyone thrives!

This group coaching experience is for moms and dads who want to parent in a loving, compassionate, and effective way and aren't willing to follow the rules of societies that still don’t value such a forward-looking approach to parent-child relationships. Scroll down or use the links below to learn about this transformational program.


Register Now

Registration is now open. Fast-action bonuses worth over $1,500 are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors will close on December 28 (or when spaces are full, whichever happens first). Because this transformational program is designed to be both intimate and affordable, the spaces WILL fill up fast. Choose your payment option below and click the button to access our secure registration.

Pay In Full » $596Save $100!
$116 Monthly »Just 6 Easy Payments

Dear Fellow Parent

I’m a parent like you, and I know how challenging it can be to parent peacefully in this world. Our cultures still emphasize an authoritarian model of parenting and treat children as less than adults. We have deeply-held dreams about family and long to create a life where our children feel loved, safe, inspired, and whole.

But too often, the doing and demands of daily life leave us feeling disconnected from our vision, overwhelmed by our responsibilities, worried about making the “right” choices, and fearing that we don’t have what it takes to be the parent we long to be.

  • Instead of feeling inspired we’re anxious.
  • Instead of being energized we’re frazzled.
  • Instead of feeling confident in ourselves we’re filled with doubt and shame.
  • Instead of loving our children we feel frustrated by their needs and demands.
  • Instead of feeling joyful we’re often hopeless.
  • Instead of feeling grateful we wish we could just have a little peace.

I’ve felt these feelings and had these experiences too, but what I’ve discovered in the past 6 years has enabled me to create the life – in and outside my home – that I’ve dreamed of for years.

I want you too to create your dreams and start loving family life again! That’s precisely why I launched my Parent Leadership Academy (PLĀ) – to help conscious parents everywhere restore the best parts of family life – the joy, love, connection, ease, and fun!

water-explorerI want this for you and your children, because in my experience, where our children have the sanctuary of family for their foundation in life, they can create magic in their own lives and this, in turn, creates magic in our world!

Hi! I'm Shonnie Lavender

round-sl-headshotAnd I have coached women from around the world in parenting in a conscious, loving, and powerful way while enjoying the heck out of motherhood and family life!

I believe that it’s 100% possible to be the parent we yearn to be – a patient, loving, kind, playful, wise, intuitive, respectful leader who our children feel fully connected to now, and will do so in the years ahead (even past childhood). I know – from my own life and the lives my clients have created – that this journey from old-habits, out-dated ideas, and stressful parenting is possible for you too!



  • Consistently being able to stay calm, focused, and peaceful when you child behaves in ways you don’t like.
  • Your child growing up with their self-esteem, self-love, creativity, and resilience fully and strongly in place.
  • Feeling deeply grounded in your true values, aligned with your biggest vision, and free of the unsolicited advice of others.
  • Your child being free of the limiting beliefs that you’ve worked years to overcome.
  • Feeling fully capable of lovingly meeting your child’s big emotions, toughest moments, and most aggravating behaviors.
  • Your child feeling free to be real with you – fully connected, trusting, open, and wanting to have a life-long relationship with you as a friend.
  • Waking up inspired to parent and partner with your child right where they are that day – even when they’re not at their best.
  • Finding your Self through the journey of parenting, healing parts of your life, and opening up to greater possibilities than you might now envision.
  • Creating a family life where everyone’s needs are met, love and acceptance flow freely, joy and playfulness are the norm, and every family member thrives!

When you join PLĀ, these dreams (and more) will become reality.


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$116 Monthly »Just 6 Easy Payments

Let me tell you more

In PLĀ, this six-month parent coaching program for conscious parents, you will learn how to break out of the culturally-induced parenting traps and rediscover and bring to life your deeply-held dreams.

This transformation will happen when you discover . . .

  • How to be a powerful, peaceful leader of your family.
  • How to effectively address the instincts and habits that create relationship conflict.
  • The foundational practices that are essential to your success as a parent.
  • What needs your child(ren) truly has and how to meet them in a way that works for both of you.
  • Ways to permanently rewire your negative patterns and stop recreating harmful cycles.
  • Loving and effective ways to guide children that don’t rely on force, coercion, punishment, or fear.
  • How to use your intentions and dreams as your parenting guides.

And you know what you’ll really love about being part of PLĀ?

  • You get six-months of incisive yet loving professional guidance that helps you stay focused and on-track toward your dreams.
  • I’ll address your specific questions and concerns so you don’t have to struggle to figure things out all by yourself.
  • You’ll be in community with other parents who share similar dreams, values, and challenges – so you’ll finally have an awesome tribe!
  • You’ll stop getting stuck in confusion or self-doubt. Instead you’ll be taking consistent, positive action to bring about the changes you desire.
  • You’ll be inspired, touched, evoked, and loved by other conscious parents who “get” you and totally support your big dreams.
  • You’ll have permission (and even a cheering section) to take awesome care of yourself and release yourself from the demands to be a “perfect parent.”
  • You’ll get to have fun along the way – actually enjoying the growth process rather than feeling like it’s one more obligation you “have to” meet. (PLĀ – pronounced “play” – isn’t the acronym just by chance)

What Topics We'll Cover

In  PLĀ we cover the topics that you deal with every day as a parent. The ones that impact everyone's well-being (for better or worse). Here's a peek at some of the topics we’ll cover in the program:

  • Teaching children about “appropriate” behaviors
  • Stress and healthy stress management
  • Children’s resistance – how to meet their refusals in productive ways
  • Self-care, forgiveness, and self-esteem
  • Dealing with big emotions (in both your child and you)
  • Communication that gets you heard and allows you to hear others
  • Conflict and constructive conflict management

Your Academy Membership Includes . . .

Because I work with parents around the world, PLĀ is designed to be easily accessible and deeply supportive. Here's what you get as a member of the program:

  • Program materials – video, audio, and PDFs – are conveniently accessible online (24/7)
  • Ongoing coaching and community support in a private Facebook community
  • Live Q&A sessions with me (recordings accessible afterwards)
  • PLĀ accessibility for your spouse/co-parent at no additional cost

How Your Child Benefits

  • They will have fewer negative experiences with you.
  • Fewer limiting beliefs developed.
  • Better foundation for all their other relationships; attracting higher-quality friendships and intimate relationships.
  • More freedom to be who they are meant to be; not succumbing to peer or societal pressure to be and do what’s not authentic for them.
  • More fun, love, connection.
  • Feel the sanctuary of you in their lives; greater trust in you and willingness to openly share their lives with you.

How You Benefit

  • You will have quicker success in turning around “negative” patterns – in yourself and in your child – and creating the parent-child relationship you want.
  • Less time spent beating yourself up – which just creates more of the same and feels crappy to boot.
  • Much more ease in your own life – not fighting over little stuff, not wasting so much energy trying to control your child, not experiencing downward spiral as often.
  • More joy, connection, and more of what you envisioned for your motherhood and family life experience (more heart-opening, soul-bonding experience that is deeply rich and rewarding).
  • Less fear.
  • Greater connection to your own intuition and wisdom; more solid confidence, clarity, and power.
  • Greater fueling of the other areas of your life – your career, relationships, creativity, etc. Dreams being created beyond just improving family life.
  • Healing other parts of your own life (childhood, partnership, self-worth, playing big in life).

Bonuses for Fast Action!

In addition to the core program, I also have a limited-number of fast action bonuses for parents who take the lead in joining PLĀ. These bonuses are first-come, first-served. Thus, once the number of bonuses (shown below) have been claimed they disappear!

  • Skype small group support – First 8 registrants
  • VIP launch session – First 6 registrants only
  • Two 1-on-1 coaching sessions – First 4 registrants
  • Free skype consultation with your spouse/co-parent – First 4 registrants
That's over $1500 in bonuses for taking fast action!

Register Now

Pay In Full » $596Save $100!
$116 Monthly »Just 6 Easy Payments

Know This

Those parenting dreams you had when your children arrived are neither naïve or impossible to achieve – they simply need more fuel than you alone can provide.

You are in the right place.

Now is the right time.

Joining PLĀ is the right step.

Lasting change doesn’t come about overnight, yet you can create it. If you’ve let fear stop you in the past or you feel uncertain about your ability to stay focused, this is the time to believe in yourself, trust yourself, honor yourself, invest in yourself, and commit to yourself – for the benefits this will bring to you and your entire family!

I believe in you. I trust in you. I will hold your vision alongside you and will be there to guide you back to your path anytime you lose your way!

round-sl-and-g-headshotFinally, if you’ve cried as you read these words or otherwise felt them deeply resonate with you, trust this as a sign that this is the community and the support you’ve been looking for.

Sending you much love,





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$116 Monthly »Just 6 Easy Payments

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How long can I access the material? +

Once you enroll in the Parent Leadership Academy, materials are permanently available for your personal use. The course materials will be sent to you via email as links to videos (which you can watch online) or as PDF files that you can download and keep for your personal use. Thus, even though the program lasts six months, you have as long as you need to work through the content.

How much time do I need to invest? +

I spread the materials out to make it easy for almost any parent to be able to complete (readings, video watching, and exercises). Anywhere from 1-2 hours each week would be sufficient time. Because the material is permanently accessible, if you “miss” some content when it’s first sent out, you can review it when you have time. I’m a parent too, so I designed PLĀ to be parent-friendly!

Can I see a sample of the course material? +

Though all PLĀ materials are accessible only to enrolled members, there is a guarantee offered that essentially allows you to sample the work for 21 days (Read the full guarantee FAQ for details). In addition, if you want a feel for my outlook, style, and philosophy, you can participate in my free 5-day Powerful Peaceful Mama Challenge.

Do I need Facebook to participate? +

While all essential program material is delivered directly to you via email, the private Facebook group is where you can receive ongoing coaching from me and support from your fellow PLĀ members. You don’t have to be active elsewhere on Facebook to be a member of our private PLĀ group.

Do I need to believe in a specific parenting philosophy? +

No. I designed the PLĀ for parents who are striving to create win-win relationships at home. Most of the parents I work with are attempting to undo some of the wounds of their own upbringing and parent more peacefully and compassionately with their own children. Typically these same parents often struggle with how to effectively create a cooperative and peaceful home without using the same tactics used on them in childhood (and those still commonly relied upon by most families).

Is there a money-back guarantee? +

I truly believe in this work’s potential to positively and sustainably transform families. That being said, I also know that these results come not merely from reading information or watching videos; results come from implementing the learning, experimenting, and truly integrating the material into family life. Thus, if a student is dissatisfied with the program she/he may request a refund in writing within 21 days of enrollment — the written refund request must include completed copies of all worksheets for the entire course to that point and a formal refund request document (which I will provide upon request). If these conditions are met, I will refund course costs (enrollment fee paid minus a $35 administrative fee).

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$116 Monthly »Just 6 Easy Payments

 100% Secure Checkout

Create the Family Life of Your Dreams!

kite-girlsStop slogging through the daily grind of family life, repeating negative patterns from your past, and feeling shitty about yourself as a parent! Join PLĀ today and get the loving guidance and tools you need to permanently align yourself with your true values, effectively parent from your inner knowing, and consistently embody the art of new paradigm family life.

I look forward to meeting you!
